
On April 8th, the PARE conference proudly presents its theme: “Right here, Right now“. This year, we focus on the most pressing challenges and opportunities in our rapidly evolving world.

  • Adapting to Change – How can we remain flexible while achieving ambitious goals?
  • Generational Insights – What can we learn and apply from different eras?
  • Finding Balance – How can we discover an effective path to success and well-being?

PARE conference is designed primarily for leaders and organizational culture shapers. However, we also warmly welcome all curious minds seeking valuable insights and practical ideas to thrive in both personal and professional life. This year’s event emphasizes the importance of being present and proactive in today’s dynamic world.

The program for the most significant conference on leadership and organizational culture of the year has been meticulously curated by a team of experts: Katri Jürine (Thermory), Mailis Neppo (Delfi Media), Marja Pille (SEB Bank), Elina Meidla (DSV Estonia), Grete Kotkas (IF Insurance), Tiina-Katrina Kaber (EnterTraining), Dagny Aalde (Cloudmore), Monika Lillenthal (SEB Bank), and the PARE team.

The mission of the Estonian HR Association PARE is to enhance work life and develop leadership quality. One of the key initiatives in fulfilling this mission is the annual flagship conference, bringing together the best experts from around the globe.

The conference has translation from Estonian to English and vice versa.

Bring your entire leadership team to the event! See you on April 8th, 2025, at Tallinn Creative Hub!

Conference program

08:30 - 09:30
Welcome to the PARE Conference!

Registration, morning coffee, and networking with colleagues.

09:30 - 09:45
Host's Welcome Speech
Mart Normet   Conference Host, Journalist, and Producer
09:45 - 10:10
Saying Yes to New Things
Linnar Looris   Artistic Director of the Estonian National Ballet

Linnar Looris shares his personal journey of how saying “yes” has elevated him to new heights in the ballet world, both as a dancer and a leader. He firmly believes that openness to new opportunities helps us grow and develop—not only professionally but also personally. Every new experience teaches something important and makes us better individuals in both work and life.

10:10 - 10:55
Shaping Culture: What Connects People Within It?
Laura Bates   Bestselling Author and Influential Thought Leader

Laura Bates is a bestselling author and an inspiring speaker. She regularly writes for The New York Times, The Guardian, and other publications and is a sought-after consultant for media commentary and TV productions.
Building on last year’s conference topic of gender equality, Laura explores how educational and value gaps, as well as often-overlooked everyday factors like social media algorithms, impact interpersonal relationships, work environments, and workplace safety.

10:55 - 11:35
YESSS! Making Change Simple and Effective
Cyriel Kortleven   Advocate and Pioneer of Simplification Thinking

In a fast-changing world, change often sparks fear and resistance. Cyriel Kortleven’s interactive presentation offers practical tools to simplify the process. Discover how the YESSS mindset—delaying judgment, exploring new perspectives, and taking small, actionable steps—can help your team embrace change and reduce resistance.
Learn how to break down major organizational changes into smooth, actionable steps that lead to lasting results. Cyriel, known as “The Simplifier,” brings over 20 years of experience, inspiring organizations like IKEA and NASA to confidently navigate change. His pragmatic and humorous approach energizes participants, turning resistance into creativity and small steps into big achievements.

11:35 - 12:40
Lunch Break
12:40 - 13:15
Generational Differences and Sustainable Work Life: Learning and Adapting Over Time
Ene-Margit Tiit   Mathematician and Demographic Statistics Expert

Ene-Margit Tiit, one of Estonia’s leading mathematicians and demographic statistics experts, shares her insights on sustainable work life and intergenerational differences.
Drawing from her extensive career, she highlights how education, work habits, and social changes have influenced various generations. Her presentation focuses on how representatives of different generations can learn from each other and how principles of sustainability can extend the active and productive period of work life.

13:15 - 13:45
Executive Collaboration: Building Success and a Strong Leadership Culture in Organizations
Ivo Suursoo   Chairman of OIXIO Group and "Best Leader 2024" Winner
Maimu Saska   OIXIO Digital HR Manager

What forms the foundation of successful executive collaboration, ensuring organizational success on all fronts? How do leaders complement each other’s roles, and what collaboration patterns lead to the best outcomes?
This talk also debunks common misconceptions and provides practical advice for HR leaders aiming to join executive teams and express their ambitions clearly. Additionally, Ivo explores owner and executive expectations for HR leaders in creating a strong leadership culture.

13:45 - 14:20
Finding Harmony: Personal Happiness and Family Business Sustainability
Juulika Vahter   Partner at Kaamos Holding OÜ and Representative of the Jõeleht Family
Jürgen Mikk Jõeleht   Partner at Kaamos Holding OÜ and Representative of the Jõeleht Family

At Kaamos, a family business involving a father, a son, and five sisters, personal happiness is as important as business continuity. Differences in age and experience often result in diverse worldviews, but the family charter guiding their operations helps maintain harmony.
In this talk, they share experiences on balancing generational expectations and perspectives, demonstrating how this approach has enabled Kaamos to thrive both as a family business and in personal life.

14:20 - 15:00
Energy Break
15:00 - 15:40
Conversations from the Heart: Leading Thriving Organizations in the 21st Century
Sarah Happel   Executive Leader, Master Coach & Top Athlete

Sarah Happel is a CEO, entrepreneur, and global executive coach dedicated to helping leaders and their teams not just survive but truly thrive.

Why is Sarah Happel a speaker you shouldn’t miss?
  • CEO and Founder – Leads Spectrum Leadership Solutions, a Washington-based firm that has been helping global organizations and top executives enhance employee well-being, communication, and performance for 15 years.
  • Master Certified Coach (MCC) – The highest level of international coaching certification.
  • Over 12 years of international experience in Europe and South America – Deep understanding of leadership challenges and practical solutions for organizations worldwide.
  • Former elite athlete – First-hand experience in what it takes to reach the top and stay there.
What will you gain from Sarah Happel’s presentation?
  • Practical tools to strengthen leadership and improve team collaboration.
  • Real-world insights from top executives—success stories and critical leadership mistakes to learn from.
  • Proven methods on how a single conversation can transform organizational dynamics.
  • Key strategies for building a resilient and future-ready organization.

Sarah Happel brings the insights and expertise that top leaders around the world are already using. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the best.


This program is made possible by funding from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF). Thanks to BAFF’s support, it is also possible to bring Sarah Happel to Estonia.

For more information about BAFF scholarships and speaker support, visit www.balticamericanfreedomfoundation.org.

15:40 - 16:00
Debate Among "Most Influential HR Leader 2024" Finalists
Ingrid Viinapuu   HR Director of Telia Estonia
Mailis Neppo   HR Manager of Delfi Meedia
Merje Kärner   HR Manager of Forus Estonia
Henri Lempu   A future leader in HR and the moderator of the "Most Influential HR Leader" finalists' debate

After the impactful talk by the US HR leader, it’s time to bring Estonia’s own inspiring HR leaders to the stage. The three finalists of the “Most Influential HR Leader” category will discuss what it feels like to work in the field of HR management, guided by a young HR professional.

16:00 - 16:15
Announcing the Winners of the "Most Influential HR Leader 2024" and "Heart-Driven" Categories

The winners of the “Most Influential HR Leader 2024” award and the four “Heart-Driven” categories — Leader, Developer, Innovator, and Young Talent — will be announced.

16:15 - 16:50
The Employee as Job Crafter: Practices and Opportunities with Job Crafting
Rob Baker   Job Crafting Expert and Innovation Leader

We customize every aspect of our daily lives—so why not our work lives?
This presentation introduces the latest research on job crafting and its benefits. Learn how job crafting allows us to align our strengths and interests with our work, creating a more meaningful, productive, and enjoyable work life.
Hear stories and examples of how people—from janitors to CEOs and park rangers to payroll specialists—use job crafting to enhance their well-being, professional growth, and career opportunities.

16:50 - 17:00
Conference Closing
17:00 - 18:30

Following the official program, enjoy a relaxed afterparty—a perfect opportunity to network with colleagues, share experiences, and unwind. Our DJ will provide a great musical atmosphere, with surprises throughout the evening.

Feedback from participants


For PARE & EAMP members Others
Discounted price 469 € + VAT 569 € + VAT
regular price 599 € + VAT regular price 699 € + VAT

The discounted price is valid until March 16, 2025 (inclusive).

When purchasing 3 or more tickets, you will receive a 10% discount per ticket.

Take a look at last year’s conference


Main sponsor

Silver sponsors


Terms and Conditions of Participation


The conference ticket provides you with a full-day conference experience at Kultuurikatel.

The conference has translation from Estonian to English and vice versa.


The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program.


To cancel your participation in the conference, please send an email to info@pare.ee.

We will refund 100% of the conference ticket cost if you notify us at least 14 working days before the conference.
We will refund 50% of the conference ticket cost if the notification reaches us 7–13 working days before the conference.
In case of not attending the conference or if the notification reaches us 1–6 working days before the conference, we will not refund the ticket cost, and the issued invoice is due for payment.


If you have any questions or need to discuss anything, please feel free to email liina@pare.ee.